Are multiple conflicting simultaneous promotions costing you customers?

It's getting cold again here in Georgia, and after the first time using our fireplace this season I remembered how much I need a screen to protect our hardwoods and rug from the hot embers that sometimes pop out onto the floor. After searching online for about an hour, I settled on a nice (but [...]

VEDA: A Failure and a Success

On my birthday (August 1st) I decided to take up VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August) and make a video every single day about online marketing. I dubbed the videos 31 Days to Higher Conversions or 31DHC for short. As I started out I was really excited about making a video every day... but boy [...]

By |August 28th, 2012|E-Commerce, Online Marketing, Personal|Comments Off on VEDA: A Failure and a Success

31DHC Day 7 – Caching, Compression and Page Speed Tools

In today'sĀ 31 Days to Higher ConversionsĀ episode we quickly go over what are cashing and Gzip compression and provide resources for setting them up. We also look at Yahoo! Yslow browser extension and Google Page Speed service to evaluate your website's speed and performance. Setup caching (using meta tag or server-side): Yslow Browser Extension: [...]

SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

SitePoint is having a Christmas Countdown sale, with a new featured special every day. Today they have an excellent marketing bundle up for sale, which includes my book, Online Marketing Inside Out, The SEO Business Guide, and SitePoint's new Facebook Ads 101 course - all for only $99! First, Online Marketing Inside Out is an [...]

By |December 14th, 2010|Online Marketing|Comments Off on SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

My Fall 2010 Schedule

Things are getting really busy for me, and this fall is shaping up to be the busier than all of 2008 combined. I'll be traveling to several conferences (some of which I'm speaking at), and am working on an email marketing course two more books, and have a family reunion to thrown in as well. [...]

By |September 7th, 2010|Online Marketing, Speaking|Comments Off on My Fall 2010 Schedule