Patrick O’Keefe

Speaking at ConvergeSouth This Weekend

I'm headed to Greensboro, NC this weekend to speak at ConvergeSouth. I'll be giving a presentation titled "Free and Open Source Tools for Business" where I'll explain all the different tools and services we use both at Kelsey Advertising & Design and at It'll be more than just an overview, I'm going to show [...]

By |September 28th, 2010|Speaking|1 Comment

I’m at IzeaFest at SeaWorld in Orlando

I'm at the IzeaFest interactive marketing conference hosted at SeaWorld in Orlando. The one-track two-day conference covers social media, sponsored conversations, personal brand and more. I know a lot of the speakers such as Aaron Brazell of, Wendy Piersall of Sparkplugging, and Wayne Sutton of SocialWayne. Other speakers include Ted Murphy, Chris Brogan and [...]

By |October 2nd, 2009|Online Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on I’m at IzeaFest at SeaWorld in Orlando