In just a few days I’ll be flying to Las Vegas for my third BlogWorld & New Media Expo conference. I was just an attendee in 2008, and had a book signing last year in 2009. This year, I’m excited to be much more involved.
I’ll have a full schedule this year, with a book signing, speaking on two panels, and several interviews and other functions scheduled. If you’re going to BlogWorld, check out my schedule below.
Official Functions
Online Marketing Inside Out Book Signing
Friday, October 15, 11:00 AM
I’ve already had two book signings, but I’m really excited about the one at BlogWorld this year. It will be the first time I meet my coauthor Shayne Tilley in person. We wrote Online Marketing Inside Out by collaborating using Skype and instant messaging, as he’s from Australia. This will be our first official book signing as far as I’m concerned… since you have to have both authors present for it to be official, right?
Panel: Ethics and Social Media Marketing
Saturday, October 16, 12:15 PM
I’m honored to be speaking with good friends Patrick O’Keefe and Jeremy Wright, as well as Jason Baer in a discussion about ethics in social media marketing. We’ll be talking about examples of unethical marketing in the social media space, and discuss how to do it right.
Panel: 5 Strategies Bloggers Should Learn from Online Marketers
Saturday, October 16, 3:30 PM
My panel with Online Marketing Inside Out coauthor Shayne Tilley, author of UnMarketing Scott Stratten, and Scott Fox, author of e-Riches 2.0, will discuss how to determine your most important conversion goals, and how to optimize your blog to maximize conversions.
Parties & Social Events
I’ll also be attending several parties and events, both official and unofficial. If you can’t make it to my book signing or one of the panels I’m on, stop by one of these events and say hi.
UnMarketing Tweetup
Although its an unofficial event, I’m excited about attending Scott Stratten’s pre-BlogWorld tweetup. Scott is speaking on a panel with me and has a new book, UnMarketing. The tweetup is getting a lot of attention and should be a blast. I’ll be heading there straight from the airport on Wednesday evening.
Social Media Explorer Mall Bar Tweetup
Jason Falls’ annual Mall Bar Tweetup is a pretty low-key event, but last year’s was filled with great conversations and interesting people. I’ve got another, private, event around the same time but will definitely make time to stop by Jason’s tweetup for at least a little while.
Mashable MashBash Opening Party
I’ll most likely be at the official BlogWorld opening party, sponsored by Mashable. MashBash sounds like a lot of fun, but will also be insanely packed.
BlogWorld Late-Night All-In Poker Party
I love poker. The only thing better than playing Texas Hold’em is playing with a bunch of other geeks at BlogWorld. Join us for the “official” BlogWorld poker game. Just a warning, friend or not I’ll take your money!
Third Tribe Meetup
Are you a member of Third Tribe Marketing? We’re having a meetup every morning of BlogWorld. I’m going to try to join in every morning. Considering the official parties can often run late, I may not make it every day but I’m going to try. If you’re a member of Third Tribe, check out the thread about the meetup. Not a member yet? Well, you should join!
Find Me, Say Hello
Even if you’re not going to be at one of the sessions or events above, shoot me an @ message on Twitter or email me. I’d love to meet up with you for a cup of coffee or beer.