I am going to start writing more. Even with my current work load, which is enourmous, I am going to try to write more articles, white papers and essays on various business and web development topics.

I think brandoneley.com will be a good place to post these, and I will probably also post them on my company website, www.eleytech.com.

I’ve been debating on whether or not to just shut down the website at brandoneley.com and just post the articles and blog entries directly to my comapny website. This would allow me one place to put everything, without duplication. I could just put a bio on the website here, linking to the busienss site.

My business site, www.eleytech.com, is undergoing a complete redesign at the moment, hopefully to launch by October 1. I don’t know how I’ll get the time to finish it htough, as I’m really swamped with client projects at the time also.