I’ve decided to participate in VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August) this year, but instead of recording personal videos about what I’m doing every day, I decided to do something related to online marketing an e-commerce. Every day this month, I will release a video about conversion rate optimization. 31 Days to Higher Conversions is the series name, and I’ll be posting the videos to both my YouTube account and a new Vimeo Channel specifically for the series.

If you’re interested in getting updates on the videos, I’d encourage you to subscribe to one of the channels above, or simply subscribe for updates to my blog.

Below are the introductory video and the first video for today explaining conversion rate optimization and telling a little about what you can expect from the series. Let me know what you think!

VEDA Intro

VEDA – Vlog Every Day in August from Brandon Eley on Vimeo.

Day 1 – Introduction to Conversion Rate Optimization

31DHC – Day 1 Introduction to Conversion Rate Optimization from Brandon Eley on Vimeo.